
Sticky Things

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First up: D. hamiltonii, finally able to go outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine again.

D. hamiltonii 3-16-15


D. sp. “Lantau Island”, which really needs separating and re-potting, but looks fantastic nonetheless.


D. sp 'Lantau Island' 3-16-15

D. capensis x spatulata, grown from flower-stalk cuttings. About ready to go outside themselves, as well as be separated and given out to interested parties.

D. capensis x spatulata 3-16-15

For those unable to tilt their head to the right, this is D. filiformis ‘Florida Red’.

D. filiformis 3-16-15

D. burmannii on a carpet of U. bisquamata

U. bisquamata and D. burmanii 3-16-15

A quick shot of the outdoor ‘dews the day I put them outside. The yellow flowers are likely U. subulata, which apparently came with one of the newer plants and proceeded to invade a few more. :)

Outdoor Dews 3-16-15